About the maker

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Humdinger Designs


Humdinger Designs is the result of a desire to be self employed and a huge love of metal and all that it can become with a little imagination and creativity. Everything we make is a collaboration, a marriage of two very different people whom share a love for making cool stuff out of metal. Every day we strive to impress with more unique designs and colourful ways to compliment your home and surroundings.
The Beginning of Humdinger Designs was the end of my husbands twelve year career as a draftsman at a local R.V. plant. Always dabbling in car restoration and metalwork, it was an easy transition for him. I on the other hand, was a straight out of high school, stay at home mom of three. My days had been full of play-dough, play dates, grocery shopping, and shuttling kids around from one thing to another. I was starved creatively, but didn’t know it.
When first purchasing our plasma table the idea was to make brackets, car parts and other structural pieces. Fortunately, our friends kept asking Steph to make decorative pieces for their homes. Our first big success, a car show held annually in our small town of Osoyoos. A friend of ours needed more vendors for the show so we decided to try to cut a few of Steph’s designs that I could try painting. I still remember the fear of putting paint to metal and I still experience it every time we make something new. The success of the car show turned into a farmer’s market and then four farmer’s markets a week, then some bigger craft shows. Looking back is a bit of a blur. It all happened so quickly. For our family it has been quite miraculous. Though our kids get quite annoyed when they have to share the dinner table with our latest projects. Everyday is a new adventure. Every Craft Show is an opportunity to make new friends. Every year we dive deeper into this and realize that we can never go back. We traded nine to five, for twenty-four seven. But it’s twenty-four-seven hours of creativity and possibility I don’t think we can live without now……

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Humdinger Designs

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Active 3 months, 1 week ago