About the maker

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I first learned to sew in junior high during home ec. class. While I enjoyed it, I didn’t think I was very good at it, and didn’t work on improving my sewing skills. Though looking back now, I kind of wish I did, but hindsight is 20/20. Years later, I was given a sewing machine, and decided I wanted to try sewing again. I focused on learning to quilt, and have loved every minute of it, from piecing together the patchwork, to basting, quilting, and yes, even binding. There is a feeling of happiness and joy with each project I make, regardless how simple of a project it is. In the last little while, I have started making little bags out of quilting cottons and canvas. While I still love make quilts and quilted projects, I get a great sense of satisfaction making pretty little bags that are really functional.

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Active 1 year, 10 months ago